Eko-Care Trust
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Annual General Meeting û 2 May 1998

Dear Members

It is my privilege to report on our activities over the past year. It was once again a year with great highlights and few disappointments!

Firstly, I shall convey the progress that we have made as far as our mission and action goals are concerned. Secondly, I shall report on events where we were involved. I shall reply briefly on our financial position and ask the meetingÆs permission for some minor amendments of our constitution. Lastly, I shall give a short prospective for the coming year.

Mission and action goals

We have done much to conserve our aqua-ecosystems in the past year.

  • Eco-Kleen (anti-littering) project û Project Manager: Piet Strauss

We continue and expand the delivering of about 15 000 refuse bags a month to visitors at about 32 resorts and dams in five provinces. The problems that littering caused at our dams was highlighted by the magnificent article on the "Leeupan fiasko" written by Kobus Hermitage in Tight Lines (September Æ97 issue). I want to thank East Rand Plastics for there huge contribution in the supplying of the much needed litter bags. A hearty thanks also to Nampak Polyfoil and Plastomark for their contribution in this regard. The Kleen project took a positive direction with the implementation of the "Adopt a Dam" scheme, whereby dealers accept co-responsibility for the smooth running of this project at their adopted resorts. A special word of thanks to Tatlow & Pledger, the supplier of Shimano fishing Tackle, for the distribution of the Kleen bags to the participating dealers. We have also implemented a black list whereby visitors at certain resorts, who couldnÆt behave themselves, will be banned from visiting these resorts in future. A special word of thanks to Piet Strauss for the big effort he has put into the Kleen project. I also want to thank all our resort co-ordinators for their part to make this project a success. Lastly, congratulations to all the resorts that were monthly winners in our Eco-Kleen Tight Lines competition in the past year, especially the Brummers Resort at Roodeplaat Dam, the Eco-Kleen ~ East Rand Plastics Resort Winner of the year! The resort co-ordinator is Eugene Potgieter and the Adopt a Dam dealer Missions Angling, Pretoria. Congratulations!

  • Water Pollution û Project Manager: Kobus Hermitage

Again our club members played an invaluable role to report unlawful dumping at water edges, fish deaths and water pollution which we have followed up and conveyed it to the relevant authorities. The contribution by Eko-Care towards the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry in the "Big Bad Five" declared aquatic weeds project is certainly a big step forward to fight this type of water pollution. More than 1500 full-colour posters, supplied by the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, illustrating these declared water weeds were distributed by Tatlow & Pledger to all major dealers of fishing tackle countrywide. Thousands of pamphlets, sponsored by Tatlow & Pledger, that illustrates the Big Bad Five are currently being distributed together with the Kleen refuse bags. A 50/50 TV program in conjunction with Eko-Care on water pollution in the Hartbeespoort Dam catchment area was also shown on SABC TV. Our Project Manager, Kobus Hermitage, has done a splendid job in promoting this action goal.

  • Conservation of Fish Species û Project Managers (Anti-gill net project, Craig Viljoen; restocking of indigenous fish project, Bernard Venter)

The Gill Net Busters, under the command of Craig Viljoen, has done an impressive job. Taking into account the tremendous costs involved in the project, they have done themselves proud, going to many dams and rivers during week days as far as Bloemhof Dam, Vaal river, Josini Dam, Olifants river, etc, etc. fishnebs1.gif (21958 bytes)The fact that one of our boats was without an outboard, has had a definite impact on their capacity to do their work effectively. Unlawful gill netting has increased in many areas, throughout the country. Unlawful gill nets longer than 400 meters each have been retrieved from Roodekopjes Dam. Another great concern is the extensive use of gill nets in the Olifants River near Witbank. The catch, mostly yellow fish, is sold at mine hostels. Reports of over utilization by means of gill netting at Motlatedi Dam is causing concern. The resort manager of Klaserie Dam received death threats because of his commitment to remove the nets. Few blue kurper is coming out on seized unlawful gill nets at Hartbeespoort Dam, which is an indication of the low population of this indigenous fish species. See the article "Is Kurpers se dae getel in Harties" in Tight Lines written by Kobus Hermitage. The problem as far as unlawful gill nets is concerned, was brought to the attention of the public on a 50/50 TV program on SABC.

During a recent netting program conducted by Eko-Care under the auspices of Dr. Louis de Wet of Waterlab, only one small scale yellow fish was caught in Rietvlei Dam near Pretoria. During a similar program carried out at Rietvlei about ten years ago, small scale yellow fish was the most common species found there. The disappearance of the small scale yellow fish from these waters is the direct result of water pollution levels being far above the prescribed levels. Eko-Care, in conjunction with Dr. Wynand Vlok of the University of the North is currently restocking the Rietvlei Dam with small scale yellow fish.

The problems regarding conservation of our fish species were addressed in several articles written in Tight Lines, inter alia; Silwerkarp in Arabie Dam by Kobus Hermitage and a short series on yellow fish written by Dr. Wynand Vlok.

Involvement in Events

Eko-care were involved with great distinction in the following events the past year:

  • Presenting of the RBK "Ek kan doen met æn miljoen" Angling and Environmental Bonanza in conjunction with Tight Lines magazine on 1 March 1997. This Bonanza was attended by approximately 28 000 people and brought a record turnover in retail angling equipment and tackle sales for February. This was the biggest event of its kind in Africa.
  • The second Eko-Care Harties Environment Day on 29 August 1997 with more than 2000 schoolchildren of all communities participating in a huge clean-up around Hartbeespoort Dam. East Rand Plastics, Nampak Polyfoil and Plastomark were the main sponsors of the event.
  • Major angling tournaments such as the Harties Angling Carnival, Albert Falls Bass, Three Species and Sea Pike Carp at Loskop Dam, Vaal Bass Classic and LTB SA Championships at Abrahamsrust, International LTB at Allemanskraal Dam, Junior SA Championships at Doringdraai Dam, Ladies SA Championship LTB at Bospoort Dam, Roodekopjes Artlure & LTB, Summer Bass Classic at Heyeshope, Vygeboom Bass Bonanza, Mogol Kurper Bonanza, etc.


The annual financial statements of Eko-Care were audited by the well-known auditors Coopers & Lybrand. They were of the opinion that proper books of account have been kept. A marketing manager has been appointed to approach sponsors to generate much needed funds to continue and expand our projects. For these purposes a corporate brochure and corporate video has been created. Eko-Care has also taken advantage of the modern technology of Internet.

Constitutional amendments

The following amendments are being suggested:

  • Membership extension to include a system of subsidized membership, as well as the compiling of a reserve membership list.

Other Issues

  • Three bursaries were awarded to students in their final year of Marketing at the University of Pretoria
  • A petition against the issuing of fresh water angling licenses has been launched together with the magazine Tight Lines, our mouthpiece. This issue will be driven to a conclusion shortly. To date more than 10 000 signatures have been obtained.
  • The translation of our clubÆs constitution in English.


Future Prospective

The Eko-Care Club has experienced a growth in membership from approximately 300 to approximately 10 000. This explosion in membership is definitely a very positive sign. However, the administration of such a big membership created immense problems to us, especially because we do not have the administrative personnel to cope with this situation. We have experienced the same problems as far as the expansion and development of our action goals are concerned. These problems were discussed at great length at a Trustees conference late last year. It is clear that Eko-Care needs to appoint permanent staff to continue with our activities. The appointment of a Marketing Manager can help to generate the necessary funds to reach our mission.

The Eco-Kleen project creates re-cycling and job creation opportunities. These opportunities must get the necessary attention.

The time is also ripe to expand our activities to marine waters. We were approached more than once by Scuba DiverÆs associations to extend and include conservation to our marine resources, e.g. reefs. Eko-Care in a joint venture with the 4x4 Club of South Africa held a very successful clean-up operation during last year on the beaches of the KwaZulu-Natal north coast. Therefore, we will in the coming year give more attention to marine conservation.

Special Recognition

Lastly, but not least, I want to present the following medals and certificates, as symbol of our highest appreciation for their contribution in reaching our mission:

Eko-Care Gold Medal, our highest symbol of recognition:

Bernard Venter û Chief Executive Eko-Care Trust

John Pledger û Tatlow & Pledger

Gert Kapp û Coopers & Lybrand

Leon Ferreira û Dyasons Attorneys

Deon Herbst û Statomet

Pierre Linford û Reumech Austral

Etienne Kriel û Stywe Lyne/Tight Lines

Kobus de Kock û East Rand Plastics

Kobus Hermitage û Water Pollution Project Manager

Craig Viljoen û Gill Net Busters

Dr. Wynand Vlok û University of the North

Erald Felix û 50/50

Emile Sada û Vice-Chairman SALA

Dr. Gert Steyn û RAU, Department of Zoology

Charles Maker û Dolphin Fishing Tackle

Piet Strauss û Eco-Kleen Project Manager

Pierre de Villiers û Free State Nature Conservation

Merit Certificates:

Piet & Bella Honeyborne

André van Deventer

Gerrie Maritz

Sampie van der Merwe

Zelda Strauss

Ida Venter


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